Using customer surveys to find like-minded prospects

Using customer surveys to find like-minded prospects

Updated 26 September 2022

Surveys can help you to target the right prospects and to convert them to leads with the right messaging.

What you want to learn about your customers?

Most likely your CRM includes the most generic information about your customers such as city and age for B2C customers and business size and industry for B2B clients. It can be very interesting to analyse this kind of customer information with business metrics, such as lifetime value. It becomes really powerful when you understand why your customers buy from you and how you can find like-minded prospects.

Find like-minded prospects

A survey is an ideal tool to test your buyer persona and your targeting. It is always smart to consider your most important acquisition channel(s) when you create buyer personas, but when you utilise surveys this is essential.

For example, when LinkedIn is the most important acquisition channel for your clients, make sure that the persona definition includes characteristics such as company size, job profile and education because those are the characteristics that can be used to generate a custom audience on the platform.

When you use Facebook and Instagram to acquire new customers, the media, brands and interests your customers relate to are more valuable.

You can do a bit of reverse engineering here. Create target audiences on your chosen acquisition platform for the buyer personas you identified before starting the survey. Next, you simply show the customised profiles in one of your survey questions and ask your customers with which profile they feel the strongest association.

Note that it is important to target your customer’s decision-maker rather than the account manager.

Call out your customers' pain points to show your value

Renowned marketer and best-selling author Ryan Levesque wrote the book Ask in which he explains that it only takes about a couple of questions to learn precisely what customers consider when buying a product. He argues to ask customers about their number one goal, challenge and previous frustration about the product or service.

When you know your customers' and potential prospect’s pain points, you know how to design your ads and landing pages. Call out their pain points and explain how your solutions will solve them.

Want to level up prospecting in your business? We're here to help, drop us a line!

Written by

Wouter Buijze

Wouter is a natural when it comes to driving business value and strategic growth. His laid back energy and sense of humor are zeer gewaardeerd!